
The Village of Flushing was platted in 1813 and incorporated in 1849. It was laid out by Jesse Foulke on November 9, 1813 and named by him. Foulke taught the first school and kept the first store. Around the early 1900s, Flushing was a “Boom Town” because the Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling Railway entrance into the southwest end of town made the small coal mines that dotted the area into commercial ventures with the railway shipping out their coal. Some of the mines were the Old Glory Coal Mine, later called the Tunnel Mine, because of its location near the railroad tunnel , the Massillon-Belmont Mine, the Kennon Mine and the Rosemary Mine. Laborers in the mines averaged $1.97 to $2.30 per day. Coal cars were pulled by mules.

The “Society of Friends” (Quakers), established here in 1818, was at one time the strongest religious denomination in the Flushing area. 

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Explore Belmont County

Carpenter's Pizzeria

Carpenter's Pizzeria

114 E High St, Flushing, OH 43977
Furniture Rescue

Furniture Rescue

119 E. High St., Flushing, OH 43977
Flushing Mercantile

Flushing Mercantile

450 High St., Flushing, OH 43977
Zion Retreat and RV Park

Zion Retreat and RV Park

334 E. High St., Flushing, OH 43977
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